Frequently Asked Questions

Where are you located?

Most of our work is in and around Seattle and Puget Sound. We travel, here and there, now and then, for a good cause.

Do you focus on projects or retained services?

Whatever works. We're after win-win relationships and it turns out those are developed case-by-case. 

How can I find out if my business can afford your services?

Ask. Working with small and mid-size businesses, we've learned there are lots of variables from one company to the next. That would make publishing a price sheet difficult even if we thought that commodifying our services was a good idea — which we don't. But we're in business on purpose, just like you. We like helping people every way we can. If you can't afford a steak, we'll serve you the best burger you ever tasted. And, we'll tell you honestly and respectfully if we think your expectations are unrealistic.

Can I get references?

Of course. Click the red "Ask a Question" button on this page, and request references. If you tell us a little bit about your company — or about the problem you need to solve — we'll try to steer you toward a client reference that not completely foreign to what you're working on.

Are you the Randy Phillips who used to be a pastor?

I am. Or at least I'm one of them. I first came to Seattle as a youth worker, serving teenagers and their families. I served as a pastor in congregations in Seattle and on the Eastside. That's where I learned that business is personal — meaning, businesspeople are whole people, not cardboard cutouts. Everything happening in business is affected by everything that's happening in our emotional, intellectual, relational, physical, and spiritual experiences. And business affects those other domains as well. That taught me to think, and help business leaders think, of life in a connected, 360 degree sweep. RedPoint is not a cover operation for proselytizing — I don't ambush people with sermonizing and unwanted spiritual advice. By the same token, when I work with businesspeople experiencing a spiritual crisis, I've been there; it's not uncharted territory.

What service do you provide that might surprise me?

Business leaders seem delighted to find out I can coach them through developing and presenting speeches and workshops.
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